Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Social Media and Religion

#Twible? Entire congregations on Facebook? Here's the big question: Is the collision of social media and religion a good thing, or not?

I think it depends entirely on your perspective. Some might say that 'marketing religion' would take the faith out of it. While others might see social media as a new outlet for sharing and expressing their faith. Miss Jana Riess,  is going through the entire Bible in 140 character tweets. So, not only is she reading the Bible daily, but she's 'translating' it into a more modern terminology and posting it for the world to see. IMO, she's probably getting more out of the Bible than she ever did before. 

Pope Benedict XVI sees social media as a great opportunity, but warns that online relationships cannot take the place of interpersonal relationships and advises caution. 

Social media is becoming such a ubiquitous tool for anything and everything we do these days. To get the most out of it, you've got to be smart about what you put into it. So, again I say, everything we already know about social media usage applies. Be transparent, manage your online reputation, and don't post anything you wouldn't want your grandma to read. If it's your style, then social media is a great way to be a missionary and share your beliefs. 

What do you think?

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